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My Work
…All the things I do.
Command-line utility for controlling Mic Monitoring on the HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless headset

An up-coming UGC-based 2.5D platformer for PC
Socially Distant

Narrative-driven hacking game for PC set during a global pandemic
…Where I write about writing code.
Pages the fun way
Most people use GitHub Pages, some use GitLab Pages, and then there's me - using GitLab Pages, but....the fun way.
DevOps the fun way
Unless you're a sadist or you get paid to set it up, doing DevOps stuff is the most boring and tedious thing ever. Here's how I made it fun. ...My kind of fun.
The Plight of Blind Windows
I had to use Windows for an extended amount of time, and it really grinded my gears. And I promised you guys this was next.