
An up-coming UGC-based 2.5D platformer for PC

Restitched is an up-coming game developed by Trixel Creative. It is a 2.5D platformer for PC with a robust level editor and support for UGC using Steam Workshop. I have been working on the game with Trixel since September 2021 and have been lead programmer of the game since April 2022. I have written a substantial portion of the game, including many level editing tools, most of the game’s user interface, and all of the Steam Workshop integration. I am also the primary maintainer of TrixelAudio, an open-source Unity package that’s also used as the Restitched audio system.

Things I’ve done

My work as lead programmer of the game has helped me:

  • Improve my communication skills working with and leading a medium-sized team
  • Learn advanced concepts such as reactive programming and asynchronous programming
  • Improve my debugging and unit testing skills
  • Learn how to better-manage my time and prevent burnout

Many of my contributions to the game include:

  • Workshop support: Browsing, playing, and publishing user-created levels
  • Editing tools: Ornaments, Logic, Level Notes, Multi-Select, World Merging
  • UI: Main Menu, Pause Menu, Settings Panels, Workshop Overlay, Message Dialogs, and Custom Cursors
  • Gameplay: Checkpoints, Play Mode, Hazards and Death
  • 3D physics support
  • Controller support in the Craftbook and other user interface elements
  • QA on Linux, macOS, and Steam Deck

Restitched Reveal Trailer